Timeline page
This is an example of the Timeline page template. The Timeline lets you choose a category to display and what chronology to use. You can display post excerpts or whole contents and if you want you can turn link through off so that the timeline becomes a stand-alone page.
June 15, 2017
Today's Selections
Sharpbettor Plays, Friday, September 30, 2022 MLB 905. Mets -1.20 (4:20 PT / 7:20 ET) 907. Marlins +1.70 (5:10 PT / 8:10 ET) 914. Giants -1.30 (7:15 PT / 10:15 ET) CFB 110. Boise St -6.5 (5 PT / 8 ET) 112. UCLA +2 (7:30 PT / 10:30 ET) 109. Sdg St / Boise UNDER 39 (5 PT / 8 ET)more